Tuesday 29 November 2011

Nano 2011 and beyond

I have decided to start a new blog about my writing and here it is. The past couple of years I've written more than ever and now that I am writing full time it makes sense to bring all on-going projects under the one roof. If you have read any of my old blogs, some of this might ring a bell.

Throughout November 2011 I've been doing the NaNoWriMo contest again. This year I chose to write an experimental piece called The First Stone a re-construction of a number of disparate projects stretching back more than 20 years that includes an earlier draft that used the same title (see below). I'm pleased to say that I crossed the 50,000 word contest finishing line a few days ago and I will complete the draft tomorrow (3oth). Before I say any more about this or my other on-going projects, here's a few words on the prcedure I follow so that the status of each project will make some vague sense at least.

First I do some notes. These elaborate on a story idea, or on a series of ideas about a character I have in mind. This is called the Genesis Phase (GP). Once I have enough notes to suggest a novel might be possible, I launch into a Discovery Draft. This is usually a very rough draft and is designated DD1. If enough of what I have written feels substantial I'll shift the project to the Meditation Phase. Otherwise I'll write a second Discovery Draft, DD2, and so on. Usually if DD2 does not convince me that the underlying concept is strong enough, I'll revise the concept and start over or, failing that, abandon the project temporarily.

The Meditation Phase begins with making notes on the Discovery Draft and then re-writing it, keeping what was good, shedding what was bad and adding new material. This is designated MD1. Usually MD1 will highlight any remaining flaws in the concept. It might also suggest (sometimes radical) structural changes. Additional Meditation Drafts may be written (MD2 etc.) if necessary. The final stage is the Completion Phase and the writing of a Completion Draft (CD1). If this is publishable it is considered a Final Draft and renamed as such.

I have several ongoing novel projects. Here is a progress report and schedule:

The First Stone V1 (General Fiction) - DD1: completed in 2008 but abandoned.

The First Stone V2 (Experimental/Literary Fiction) - DD1: will be completed on 30th November 2011

The First Stone V2 (Experimental/Literary Fiction) - MD1: writing scheduled for December 2011/January 2012

The Last of the True Believers Trilogy:

The Never Sword (Fantasy Fiction) - DD1: completed on 6th September 2010

Creatures of Confound (Fantasy Fiction) - DD1: completed on 30th November 2010

Asunder (Fantasy iction) - DD1: completed on 30th March 2011

These three drafts were substantially revised as a single volume and retitled:

Creatures of Confound (Fantasy Fiction) - MD1: partially completed but abandoned

Creatures of Confound (Fantasy Fiction) - MD2: completed on 28th September 2011

This project is being revised and restructured prior to MD3 as a Literary work on a Fantasy theme. The writing is scheduled for Spring 2012.

All We Need of Hell (Science Fiction) - DD1: writing scheduled for some time in 2012

Danse Macabre (Literary Fiction) - GP: research currently ongoing

Danse Macabre (Literary Fiction) - DD1: writing scheduled for late 2012

In future posts I will give details of each project and updates on my progress.